Dr. Caleb Jacobson is an internationally recognized clinical psychologist, sex therapist, and Bible scholar. He holds a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in clinical psychology from California Southern University and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) specializing in Hebrew Bible, biblical archaeology, and psychological exegesis from the University of Mainz. Additionally, he has a Certificate in Sex Therapy from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Caleb is a Research Associate at Pretoria University in South Africa. His research interest in both psychology and religion revolve around the intersection of sexuality, religion, and mental health. His expertise in the subject has been widely recognized and he been invited to deliver lectures at esteemed institutions such as the University of Bern, University of Helsinki, University of Warsaw, University of Edinburgh, and the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, as well as professional organizations like the International Society of Sexual Medicine. Additionally, he serves as Chair of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) Special Interest Group on Sexuality and Religion.
In 2020, Dr. Jacobson led research for the groundbreaking "Menstrubation Initiative," a global study sponsored by Womanizer. This research explored the benefits of masturbation during menstruation and garnered widespread attention, being featured in over 250 media outlets worldwide. The project has led to corporately funded research grants within sexual health, benefiting top-tier institutions like Charité Hospital in Berlin.
Dr. Jacobson is a highly sought-after consultant for sex toy and sexual health aid companies worldwide, providing invaluable insights and guidance that significantly contribute to product development, industry education, and consumer awareness.
Currently, he serves as President of the School of Sex Therapy, where he actively fosters the development and progression of sex therapy education, emphasizing the critical aspects of ethics, research, and professionalism. He is the author of the upcoming book Sex Therapy with Religious Clients: Working with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Communities and editor of the upcoming Routledge International Handbook Series on Sex Therapy and Religion.