February 2025

Welcome to the London Diploma in Psychosexual & Relationship Therapy

Welcome to the London Diploma in Psychosexual & Relationship Therapy. We are the "leading training provider in psychosexual and relationship therapy" (External Examiner 2024) having provided a solid, pioneering training programme for over three decades, and having graduated several thousand therapists.

We are internationally recognised and our faculty and students represent over 40 cultural identities. Our graduates are found throughout the UK, in Europe, the Middle-East, South East Asia and Africa and tend to occupy leadership positions in psychosexual services, publications, research or, in turn, training psychosexual therapists. All serve their respective communities.

See the Course Details

  • Montage or international words for sexuality

    The LDPRT is a two-year part time, modular training programme underpinned by an integrative model, reflecting ongoing developments and research in contemporary lifestyles, sexualities and relationships...

  • The Class of 2025

    The London Diploma is approved by and leads to accreditation with the College for Sexual & Relationship Therapy and the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society. Middlesex University also accredits the course. Students who complete two years of the LD and one year with the Naos-institute students are eligible for Accredited Register of the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) and may join the register for relationship therapist and or psychosexual therapist, with NCPS and COSRT. Above: the class of 2025.

  • A screenshot of the online Zoom version of the class.

    The London Diploma (UK) may be taken as an in-class, face to face teaching programme which commences in January or as a Zoom-only version (2025 September) for students unable to travel to London.
    Please note both regular courses for 2025 are full, though an additional intake is now available.
    Above: the online class of 2024.

  • Map showing origins of students

    Our over a thousand graduates include students from Israel, Lebanon, the Caribbean, Malta, Monaco, India, Pakistan, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Sweden, Iran, Egypt, Gibraltar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Brazil, Mexico, the Channel Islands, Croatia, Kenya, Nigeria, Germany & Ireland.

  • Hands - Young Adults

    The LDPRT offers you dedicated specialist training which comprehensively attends to organic and non organic psychosexual presentations in both individuals and couples.

  • A Couple: Pair of Swans

    The LDPRT represents comprehensive psychosexual & relationship training which has been described as ‘World class’ & as ‘the gold standard’ in the field. A great many graduates now maintain thriving practices.

  • A Couple: Elderly Hands

    Different perspectives to couples therapy are taught, addressing the dilemma between conflict and intimacy. Ours is a widely accredited long-established course which Middlesex University has awarded 120 credits (Level 7) which may, via APEL, be weighted at other universities for on-going studies.

2025 Applications


Both the 2025 in-room and the 2025 Zoom courses are now full.


More Details

CPD & Masters' APEL

Logos of Accrediting Organisations

We are accredited by several professional bodies with psychosexual or relationship therapy registers: in particular COSRT & NCPS; we are also accredited by Middlesex University, a unique accredited pathway into the AR of the Prof Standards Authority. Graduates are awarded 120 credits at Level 7 by Middlesex, allowing progression onto a Masters via the CAT system.
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Alumni & Testimonials

Photographs of LDPRT Alumni

To date, over 1500 students have graduated, a large proportion of whom maintain thriving practices, both in the UK & overseas. Most graduates are accredited members of COSRT, NCPS or have UKCP registration. Many are now in leadership positions or have published. Several have been kind enough to share their stories...

More Details

Our Approach & Accreditation

The LDPRT is underpinned by an integrative model, reflecting ongoing developments and research in contemporary lifestyles, sexualities and relationships.

Our two-year part time, modular training programme is approved by and leads to accreditation with the College for Sexual & Relationship Therapy, Middlesex University, the National Council for Integrative Psychotherapists and the National Counselling Society and provides a potential pathway into the Accredited Register of the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). Graduates may apply for registration or accreditation with these bodies having completed the London Diploma.

As of February 2023, the LDPRT is delighted to announce that is has been re accredited with COSRT for another 5 years.
The assessor, who described the LDPRT as "prestigious training which continues to attract global students", commented in her report:

This is a long established and well-run course with a very experienced faculty. The care and commitment shown by the staff is impressive as is the ongoing development by the directors who work hard to increase the scope of their training.

And also that:

Students appreciated the richness and diversity of the group and the way that the course leaders emphasised that whatever their backgrounds and/or prior experience there was a level playing field on the training.

COSRT state that 'Courses given accreditation from 2023 onwards are given a COSRT ‘level’. This is assigned by COSRT and indicates, based on information provided by course providers, the progression in terms of knowledge, skills and understanding achieved by graduates. As levels advance from 5 to 7, courses are expected to equip students with increasingly advanced knowledge and the ability to apply that in a sophisticated way in professional contexts.'

Preparing the future

Having been independently assessed as the "leading training provider" in the field and having supported a wide range of expressions of human sexuality over 3 decades now, we continue to challenge a "one size fits all" approach to working with relationships, and welcome all student population groups - worldwide - into our programme. Our faculty couldn't be more diverse and are only matched by our student body representing to date 40 different cultural identities. We challenge the divide between 'mainstream' and erotically marginalised population groups and aim to serve all and hence subscribe to an expansive view of GSRD.

We have progressively added a range of visiting tutors to our faculty each bringing their own expertise to our curriculum; these are available mid week via remote-access outside of our usual teaching times.


In his Humans Being podcast, Rabbi Joseph Dweck speaks to thinkers, innovators and creators from across society about the meaning and value of what they do. In the edition released June 24th 2021, psychotherapist Judi Keshet-Orr joins him to discuss the difference between mental health and mental illness, how our relationship to sex affects our lives, and how transgenerational issues can impact us in the present day.

'In The Footsteps of the Fathers'

Book cover image

Co-authored by Course Director Judi Keshet-Orr

In the Footsteps of the Fathers: Psychosexual therapy with the Orthodox Jewish community - an overview from the therapist's chair...

"Judi Keshet-Orr is a renowned teacher and trainer of psychosexual therapy and has probably trained more psychosexual therapists from the U.K. and worldwide than anybody else in Britain. This book is for all therapists....... I found it a fascinating read.."

  - Margaret Ramage Fellow UKCP and COSRT

"....a book written with sensitivity....a long overdue book....we hope this book will become a textbook to which every psychosexual therapist will have easy access"

  - Rabbi Joel and Ruthie Portnoy Israel

"It is a truth increasingly (if not universally) acknowledged, that therapists need to take account of the historical, cultural, religious and contemporary worlds of their clients. Judi Keshet-Orr draws on her academic research and vast experience as a therapist and trainer to provide clear descriptions of Orthodox beliefs and practices. Especially illuminating are the sections on Orthodox law, including teachings on sex, morals and ethics."

  - Reviewed in Therapy Today 2019 by Roz D’Ombraine Hewitt, psychosexual therapist

"This is a sensitive, compassionate, and perceptively written book by two experienced psychosexual therapists and trainers, Judi Keshet Orr and Sarah Collings…………its clear language and accessibility mean it would be of relevance to anyone who has an interest in the field of sexuality and relationships."

  - COSRT Newsletter June 2020