April 2024

Fatemeh is a general practitioner and a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM). Fatemeh graduated from the London Diploma in Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy, accredited by the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT), in 2020, enabling her to integrate psychosexual talking therapy techniques with the medical management of sexual difficulties.

Photo of Dr Fateme Mafi

Fatemeh uses an integrative psychotherapeutic approach to counselling. She understands and respects individual preferences, cultural and religious values, and the vast diversity of life philosophies, and she believes the art of therapy is to tailor the approach according to clients’ needs, values, priorities, goals and aspirations. She considers a therapy session as an opportunity to empower people and help them enhance self-awareness and mindfulness, resulting in better decision-making and proper changes, ergo living a satisfying life with less anxiety. She offers therapy sessions in English and Persian (Farsi).

Fatemeh has always been passionate about education. To pursue her passion, alongside her practice as a psychosexual and relationship therapist, she is currently undertaking a PhD at University College London, Institute Of Education (UCL IOE), on values surrounding sexuality and relationship and their impact on educational programmes. She is delighted to join LDPRT as a reflective group leader.